Need To Loss You Weight? Here Are The Diet Program You Can Choose!
Overweight body, is not healthy, because many disease that will appear if you have overweight body. So that, you need to make a diet program in order to lose your weight.
Then, how much the recommended weight reduction? If we counting between half to one kilogram for a week, the calculation is half kilo of fat = 3,500 calories. So if you want to lose a half of kilogram of body weight, it means there should we need to burn at least 500 calories everyday.
Weight losing rapidly is not healthy. Because you will faces many risks that you can be found. Rapidly weight losing also the weight will quickly climbed again.
Here are some risks that you can face:
- Lack of nutrition
- Body tired easily and feels weak.
- Diseases
- And many more
If we look the risks above, you need to loss your weight healthy. So that you will not find any diseases which can be found.
Obesity or overweight, there are many causes of them. You can lose your weight quickly and naturally without any side effects. And absolutely, it is cheap and economic. Here are some ways to do a natural diet to lose weight quickly:
1. Define the Target
Small targets can be started as a first step to weight loss, for example if you like snacking fried foods, from now on, just stop or reduce eating the snack fried.
2. Consume lots of water
Increasing the consumption of water can reduce the risk of dehydration, but it is also effective to lose weight because the stomach will be full so you will feel full even not eating.
And do you know? Many health practitioners recommend it. So, consume a lot of water is must if you need to decrease you body weight.
3. Sport / Active Moves
Sport is must if you want to decrease your weight. Perform a regular exercise everyday to burn fat in the body. So that it can lose your weight. An effective exercise for weight loss is jogging, walking, aerobic exercise, or other sports. If you do not have much time, you just walk up the stairs like when you are in the office, do not use the elevator because by climbing the stairs, you can burn fat in the body quickly.
4. Consume Pistachio Nuts
Probably not everyone has heard the pistachio nuts. These beans typically grow in dry regions such as Turkmenistan, Western Azerbaijan and Iran. Pistachio nuts are relatively more expensive than other types of beans. The protein in pistachio nuts is the best source of very low-calorie protein. So, if you have more money there is no harm in trying this food as one way of natural diet.
5. Eating foods that are able to burn fat in the body
Some types of foods are effective to decrease fat in the body quickly and precisely. You can do it if you want to decrease your weight with the natural diet without exercise:
Berry Fruit: There are several types of berries that effective for weight loss. And the types are blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry. All types of berries are low in calories and contain flavonoids that making it suitable for diet programs. In addition, this fruit also contains antioxidants that can counteract free radicals.
Eggs: Eggs one type of food that has rich protein and low calories. Many health practitioners who recommend to consuming eggs when dieting.
Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the health foods that rich in vitamins and low in fat. If you consume yogurt regularly every day, you can lower the fat levels in the stomach as much as 81%.
Green tea: This tea is effective to lose weight. Green tea can improve the metabolism process in the body . It contains fat in the body faster. So if you want to lose weight quickly then regular green tea consumption every day to get the most out.
Many diet programs you can choose to lose you weight. Absolutely, you need to look is the program suitable for you. Because you also need to keep your body healthy.
We hope these informations are useful for you who need to decrease fat in body. If you want to search some interesting informations, you just search in this website.
That is all, thank you very much.